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Guiding an Improved Dementia Experience (GUIDE)

guiding an improved dementia experience (guide)

Guiding an Improved Dementia Experience (GUIDE) is the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ (CMS) largest ever innovation in dementia care reimbursement in the United States.

Memory Lane Games is pleased to be supporting CMS approved organizations under GUIDE.

Under the new CMS GUIDE model which started on July 1st 2024, caregivers in the US can receive up to $2500/year in respite care fees (at no cost), with providers being reimbursed for care navigation services for each beneficiary enrolled in Medicare with a dementia diagnosis. 

It is estimated that 8% of all Medicare beneficiaries have a dementia diagnosis. GUIDE is an 8-year mandated national non-co-pay model seeking to take better care of caregivers in order to take better care of people living with dementia.  The goal is improved quality of life and fewer long-term bed days. 

Memory Lane Games partners with approved GUIDE Model provider organizations to reduce both the cost of care and caregiver burden  with our evidence-based dementia engagement app to improve positive socialization for the caregivers and the people with dementia they are caring for.   

The Memory Lane Games app has now delivered over 1.6 Million minutes of gameplay (impact) across 100 countries (with the US and US our top markets) and shown reduced caregiver burden in our UK RCT Clinical Trial.

Winner 2023 Mayo Clinic and ASU Medtech Accelerator
Currently participating in Texas Medical Center TMCi Digital Health Accelerator.

How Memory Lane Games supports GUIDE Dementia model care navigation:

  • Available for use by caregivers 24/7. Accessible on smartphones and tablets, on and offline.
  • Our app can be employed as a low-cost, accessible intervention for caregivers to calm, engage and redirect individuals exhibiting unwanted behavior and can be recommended and easily implemented by support helplines.
  • Caregiver training videos and resources are included within the app covering topics such as engagement tips for calming behavior, sundowning and wandering.
  • Meeting needs of under-served populations in dementia with games designed to specifically engage them, for example veterans, rural communities, indigenous people, latino groups.

As Seen

as seen on fox 10 news
arizona pbs interview

For more information on Memory Lane Games for GUIDE providers, please contact us at [email protected]

You can find more information on CMS GUIDE at

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